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Sheltering In Place? You May Need to Install a Remote Connectivity Platform

Tonya Lamia • March 20, 2020


Have you planned for how you will access your work computers from home in the event of a "Shelter In Place" order by the State of Illinois?
In addition to implementing strategies to protect your workforce from the coronavirus, it's important to ensure continuity of operations.
Many companies utilize a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which provides remote connectivity and online privacy by creating a private network from a public internet connection. Since we're a small organization, The Parks Chamber utilizes a technology tool called TeamViewer, which allows us to login remotely to the office desktop computers from any other computer through the platform, so we can edit and save files directly on our workplace desktop.
Here are a few Remote Connectivity tips for planning to sheltering in place:
♦ Make sure to install VPN or Remote Access Technology on each computer you want to connect, securely recording the individual computer's ID, if applicable, and password
♦ Determine if your Remote Access Technology requires that your office desktop computers be Powered On; if so, adjust all settings so your office computers don't Power Off 
♦ Test the remote connection from your external computer and
♦ Leave your workplace computers Powered On and connected to the internet.
During this challenging time, we're all relying on technology more than ever to conduct business and stay connected. If you haven't done so already, we recommend that you talk with a professional technology service provider about your current and future needs. You can view a list of providers inThe Parks Chamber directory at

The Parks Chamber will also continue to track the COVID-19 crisis closely, and we'll provide updates and resources from trusted third parties ONLINE HERE.
By Tonya Lamia February 28, 2022
By Tonya Lamia March 10, 2021
We’re delighted to announce details for our 3rd Annual Golf Outing, which will be held at Aldeen Golf Club on Thursday, August 26. At this year's event, you can: Win a trip to Super Bowl LVI by making a 50-foot putt Meet and golf with NFL celebrities including Emery Moorhead (Chicago Bears Super Bowl XX) and Tim Tyrrell (Falcons, Rams & Steelers) Win a Car by sinking a hole in one Win prizes worth thousands of dollars And more This outing will sell out fast, so please secure your sponsorships and foursomes today! PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND TO REGISTER Thank you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to seeing everyone at the golf course this summer!
By The Center for Association Leadership December 28, 2020
On December 21, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133) to provide more than $900 billion in emergency assistance for individuals, families, nonprofits and businesses impacted by the COVID pandemic. Beginning early next year, 501(c)(6) nonprofits can apply for PPP loans under the following criteria: The organization does not receive more than 15 percent of receipts from lobbying activities (up from initially proposed 10 percent); The lobbying activities do not comprise more than 15 percent of total activities (up from initially proposed 10 percent); The cost of lobbying activities of the organization did not exceed $1,000,000 during the most recent tax year that ended prior to February 15, 2020; and The organization has 300 or fewer employees (up from initially proposed 150). Beyond PPP expansion to nonprofit associations and other 501(c)(6) organizations, the year-end legislation includes several important provisions for first – and second – PPP applicants : Loans are available until March 31, 2021 (i.e., deadline to apply for PPP). The loan forgiveness process is simplified for loans of $150,000 or less. Organizations with 300 or fewer employees that can demonstrate a revenue decline of at least 25-percent in any quarter in 2020 over the same quarter in 2019 can receive a second PPP loan of up to $2 million. $35 billion of PPP funds are reserved for first time loan recipients. Forgiven PPP loans will not be classified as income and tax deductions are now allowed for expenses paid with proceeds of forgiven PPP loans. H.R. 133 also includes several proposals from ASAE’s July 2020 letter to Congress that support associations and other 501(c)(6) organizations, among others: Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) - Additional $20 billion added to the EIDL Program. These loans provide eligible applicants with favorable 30-year loans accompanied by forgivable grants, as an advance, of up to $10,000. Payments on these loans are deferred for a year. Applicants must employ 500 or fewer employees and demonstrate a working capital loss due to COVID. Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) - Extends the refundable tax credit starting January 1, 2021 through July 1, 2021 and significantly expands access: • Increases the limit on per-employee creditable wages from $10,000 for the year to $10,000 for each quarter; • Increases the credit rate from 50 percent to 70 percent of qualified wages; • Expands eligibility by reducing the required year-over-year decline in gross receipts from 50 percent to 20 percent; Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) - Increases the 100-employee delineation for “large employers” for determining the relevant qualified wage base to employers with 500 or fewer employees; • Allows employers with 500 or fewer employees to advance the credit at any point during the quarter based on wages paid in the same quarter in a previous year; and • Retroactive to the CARES Act, this bill would clarify that employers who received a PPP loan may still qualify for the ERTC with respect to wages that are not paid with forgiven PPP loans. Child Care and Developmental Block Grant (CCDGB) - $10 billion in federal grants to provide childcare subsidies for low-income families with children under age 13. The CCDBG also allows for flexibility to pair state and federal funds to improve the overall quality of childcare available to families within existing state and local systems. Beyond measures outlined above, the legislation includes many other important provisions to support Americans: Payroll Tax Deferral - Employers that utilized the payroll tax deferral executive order issued in September would now have until the end of 2021 to pay back deferred taxes, rather than the end of April. Health & Vaccines - $69 billion for vaccines, testing, tracing, and to support community health and health care providers. Direct Payments - Includes another round of stimulus checks of $600 for individuals who make up to $75,000 and $1,200 for couples who make up to $150,000, as well as an extra $600 per eligible dependent. Unemployment Insurance - Extends federally enhanced unemployment benefits at $300 per week through March 14, 2021. Extends the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, which provides enhanced benefits to those self-employed, gig workers and others in non-traditional employment through 3/14/21 and offers a phase-out to that program with three weeks of additional benefits. Rental Assistance - Creates an emergency federal rental assistance program run by the Treasury Department and administered by state and local governments. Includes $25 billion in funding for the program, which will provide targeted assistance to renters impacted by the pandemic. Eligible renters will be able to use this assistance for past due rent, future rent payments, as well as to pay utility and energy bills and prevent shutoffs. The eviction moratorium was also extended through the end of January 2021. Universal Charitable Deduction - Includes an extension of the $300 universal charitable deduction for non-itemizers through 2021 and doubles the cap to $600 for joint filers. Other - Transportation: $45 billion / Education: $82 billion / Nutrition and agriculture: $26 billion / Community development: $12 billion / Broadband access: $7 billion For more information on these and other programs, visit The Parks Chamber COVID-19 Resources page here:
By Richard Scully November 4, 2020
Region 1 Planning Council (RPC) is seeking public comment on the draft of the five-year update to the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the Economic Development District. A 30-day comment period is afforded to the public to review and provide feedback on the draft 2050 MTP. The draft CEDS and supplemental information can be viewed at . Please note that this draft CEDS does not incorporate a final design or full suite of appendices. Any changes that occur during this period will be recorded and included as an appendix item in the final document. Public comments will be be accepted regarding the 2021-2025 CEDS from October 16, 2020, until November 16, 2020. Comments may be submitted by email, telephone, or written comments. Organization contact information is listed below: Region 1 Planning Council Attn: CEDS Update 127 N Wyman St, First Floor, Rockford, IL 61101 Phone: (815) 319-4180 Email: Please include your city, village, or county of association within your comments. About the 2021-2025 CEDS As its name implies, a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) lays out a regional plan for area economic development. Its ultimate goal is to promote a stronger, more diverse, and resilient regional economy. While the CEDS’ most critical function is to provide a regional economic development framework, it also serves as a required vehicle through which some federal agencies (especially the US Economic Development Administration) evaluate requests for grant assistance. With a CEDS plan approved by the federal government, a region is eligible to apply for federal economic development grants. Winnebago and Boone counties created the region’s first CEDS in 2010 through a process that aligned public sector, private sector, nonprofit and community partners, as well as public input, into a plan for regional development. The CEDS has successfully aided the region in receiving the following grants from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA): · A $6.1 million State of Ingenuity grant collaboration between Boone/Winnebago counties and Wisconsin counties to promote entrepreneurship and innovation programs. · A $2.7 million public works grant to upgrade roads around Chicago Rockford International Airport. · A $1.8 million Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge grant (through EDA and other federal agencies) to promote the region’s -aerospace cluster. While preparing for the 2015 update of the CEDS, Winnebago and Boone counties began working with McHenry County more closely on collaboration to advance the shared manufacturing industries in the wider region. As McHenry County did not have a CEDS, it was agreed that the three counties would work together on the next CEDS update. The EDA emphasizes that the CEDS is a planning process that includes representation from the main economic interests of the region including private sector representatives, public officials, community leaders, private individuals, representatives of workforce development boards, institutions of higher education, minority and labor groups, non-profit organizations and educational institutions. A CEDS Steering Committee is charged with leading the effort and incorporating public input along the way. The document outlines a development strategy rather than a laundry list of projects. Although an exhaustive list of projects is not a requirement, the CEDS Steering Committee identifies a list of key projects that are prioritized in line with regional assets and that will further the regional development strategy laid out in the document. These projects may in turn qualify for EDA programs, including those that provide capital investment funding. If you have any questions about the CEDS plan or the planning process, please contact Isaac Guerrero at or call (815) 319-4180.
By Richard Scully November 3, 2020
Governor J. B. Pritzker continues to announce strict mitigation steps against the hospitality industry. All bars and restaurants need to (1) email AND (2) regular mail personal letters to Governor J.B. Pritzker opposing the Governor’s hospitality mitigation policies. Please cut and paste the below letter and 1) email and 2) mail it to Governor J.B. Pritzker ASAP. November XX, 2020 The Honorable J.B. Pritzker Office of the Governor 207 State House Springfield, IL 62706 Dear Governor Pritzker: My name is and I own and operate in , Illinois. I employ <# OF EMPLOYEES> and have been in business since . I am writing to urge you to rescind your emergency order to close indoor eating and drinking operations for bars and restaurants in Illinois. My business and that of my colleagues and competitors are close to collapse and further limitations on my ability to stay open and serve my community will mean the end of my business. Since the COVID-19 crisis started, I have taken numerous steps to make sure my business is a safe place for my customers and my employees. This has included purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE), instituting new policies for cleaning and sanitizing, and generally following the guidelines put forth by Illinois and the CDC. It is frustrating that despite my efforts, the severe restrictions on my business are not tied or linked to anything that has happened in my business. Bars and restaurants appear to be shouldering all the blame for an uptick in COVID-19 cases that, to my knowledge, has not been traced to bars and restaurants. Not only is this unfair, it is ineffective and does not address the larger problem. By closing my business, you are removing my ability to make sure that beer, wine and spirits are consumed safely in my community. Instead, drinking is being driven underground to house parties and other gatherings where social distancing, masking and other safety protocols are not in place or enforced. I urge you to let me and my employees do our part to provide safe hospitality environments for our fellow Illinoisans. As winter approaches, the days turn darker and the weather turns colder, I am reaching a breaking point, just as so many of my fellow bar and restaurant owners are across the state. We got into this business because we believe in people, community and providing a “third place” where people can go to enjoy themselves with family and friends. But if these operating restrictions continue, I will be unable to stay in business through the winter. Please work with leaders in the Illinois hospitality industry to find a way to effectively respond to ongoing public health crisis while minimizing the already outsized burden and economic crisis that is devastating Illinois bars and restaurants like mine. Sincerely, , Illinois To email the Governor: Cut and paste the below link into your browser Click on: Contact Us Click on: Voice an Opinion Fill out the form and cut and paste the above letter into the Comments section. Click: Submit To mail by U.S. Postal Service: Office of the Governor 207 State House Springfield, IL 62706 The Illinois Licensed Beverage Association is reviewing every legal avenue related to the strict mitigation being implemented by Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Executive Orders. Thank you, Daniel D. Clauser Executive Director Illinois Licensed Beverage Association
By Richard Scully November 2, 2020
Dear Local Leaders, I am writing to you today as local businesses continue to face hardships and potential closures due to current mitigation efforts. As you’re likely aware, additional mitigations have been introduced in our region. This means that businesses in our area—even the ones that have enacted stricter safety measures and have complied with public health directives—are facing further restrictions for the safety of workers and customers. To help our local economy recover from this setback, the state’s Business Interruption Grant program will distribute an additional $220 million in aid, with priority given to businesses in regions under increased mitigation measures. In the first round, the Rockford area has received nearly $2 million and has already received over $1 million in the second round. The second wave of BIG funds includes a few important provisions to ensure this money makes the most impact throughout the state across different types of businesses: Heavily Impacted Industries: $60 million is designated for heavily distressed industries, such as movie theatres, performing arts venues, concert venues, indoor recreation, amusement parks, and more. Disproportionately Impacted Areas : $70 million has been set aside for DIAs, which DCEO is defining by the most economically distressed ZIP codes that are most vulnerable to COVID-19. DCEO has a map of these DIAs. Downstate Communities : DCEO has committed to ensuring that at least half of all remaining funds, totaling more than $100 million, are reserved for businesses in downstate and rural communities of Illinois. Priority Businesses : Apart from the $60 million for heavily impacted industries, priority will also be given to applications from businesses directly affected by regional mitigations implemented by the state or local governments, independently owned retail, tourism- and hospitality-related businesses. Agriculture : $5 million of the remainder of funds will be set aside for livestock production disruptions. Applications are available now through Oct. 31 from the Illinois Department of Agriculture . Grants and Loan Forgiveness for Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan recipients : As authorized by the General Assembly, DCEO will also offer grants for businesses that have incurred eligible costs to offset any loans they received under the Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan program. This round of loan forgiveness and grants will go to businesses that have received loans or remain on the wait list and the program will sunset going forward as DCEO and its partners focus on making BIG awards. Businesses outside the categories listed above are also eligible to apply and receive funding under the program, but may be reviewed later than priority businesses. All businesses will receive a decision on their grant application within four to six weeks of application submission. You can apply online using the Business Interruption Grant Application . I hope this program is helpful to the many business owners in our area who have faithfully adhered to the guidelines set forth by the state, and who continue to make considerable sacrifices to keep our community safe. By taking the appropriate precautions, we can bring down our positivity rates and get our region back on track—please continue to wear masks, wash your hands and practice social distancing, and encourage your neighbors to do the same. As always, my office is available to assist, listen to feedback and answer questions about state and federal programs. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (815) 987-7557 or visit . I hope you and yours stay safe as we continue to weather this pandemic. Sincerely, Steve Stadelman State Senator | 34th District
By Tonya Lamia September 28, 2020
This month marks the release of the 2020/2021 Illinois Investment Guide. The yearly publication, written by Site Selection magazine publisher Conway Global, highlights the state’s assets as a global business destination, including its workforce, infrastructure, central location and diverse economy. The issue also reports on the State’s response to COVID-19, and its continued support for Illinois' residents, small businesses and communities. This year’s Illinois guide features each of the state’s ten regions and their assets, while also highlighting key industries including agribusiness/agtech, energy, IT, life sciences, manufacturing and transportation & logistics. Also included are initiatives that have spurred economic growth and jobs, such as programs to support broadband, small business and data center development. Please find a link to the digital version of the 2020/2021 Illinois Investment Guide below. Hard copies are available upon request by emailing
By Tonya Lamia May 18, 2020
The Illinois General Assembly will convene a session this week, and it's important that our Legislators know how your business is being directly impacted by mandated, prolonged closures. The Parks Chamber of Commerce encourages you to email and mail letters to all of your elected Representatives and Senators, irregardless of party affiliation. Please consider including the following five elements in your letters: 1) Thank Legislators for their leadership during this challenging time. 2) Request the immediate reopening of all businesses with precautions like social distancing to help protect public health . . . or , if you prefer, request that the State of Illinois give each community or region the autonomy to make the proper decisions on reopening businesses, suggesting that a one-size-fits-all set of restrictions isn't feasible for the entire state. 3) Describe the economic impact on your business to date and explain what you predict would happen should the State of Illinois mandate prolonged closures as outlined in the Restore Illinois plan ( click here to read the plan ). 4) Be respectful but firm while expressing a sense of urgency, suggesting that you may share your story with the media and business organizations like The Parks Chamber based on the response that you receive from them. 5) State that you need their leadership now more than ever. As your Legislator, they need to share your story and fight for you and all struggling businesses throughout the State of Illinois. Please click both links below to access contact information for Illinois Representatives and Senators. Enter your business address in the search fields, click the buttons next to their photos to send emails, and write down mailing addresses to also send your letters through regular mail. REPRESENTATIVES: SENATORS: By making your voices heard, our Legislators have an opportunity to help ensure that we emerge from this economic downturn early, equitably, and sustainably. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this Call to Action request. We invite you to share this request with fellow business owners who may not be connected with The Parks Chamber by forwarding this post. We also invite you to share copies of your letters with us at . The Parks Chamber is working regionally and advocating for you and all of our members during this difficult time. Thanks again. Sincerely, Tonya Lamia Executive Director
By Mike Broski March 25, 2020
People ask me all the time about the best way is to protect their home and business systems from hackers and how do implement extra security. We suggest the following: 1) Make sure you have an industry standard virus protection program. Bitdefender is one such program and is a relatively inexpensive solution. Your virus protection software should be set to update at least once a day. 2) Implement as much Multifactor safeguards as possible. Most banks and credit unions are mandating this now. Other applications as well should be setup for Multifactor if possible. 3) Use strong passwords that are at least 12 characters long. They should include at least 1 capital letter and one special character. For example, " &Entre1Machesney" would be considered a strong password. 4) Don’t use the same passwords for multiple sites. You should have one login for your corporate accounts and one for other accounts. Please, do not use your corporate logins for any other websites. 5) If connecting to a corporate VPN – make sure that you use a Multifactor Login program such as DUO to authenticate first. 6) Do NOT open emails from people you don’t know. Additionally, you should always make sure that the email address is really from the person who sent it (especially if there is a hyper- link, pdf or other type of file). Its better to be safe than sorry. 7) If a request is made to transfer funds – make sure there is a process in place to assure that this is a legitimate request. Checks and balances are essential here. 8) Don’t be duped into having Microsoft or any other service logging into your computer at home after you have provided a credit card. Legitimate company’s do not do this. 9) Your corporate networks should have some sort of intrusion detection alerts implemented as well as the already mentioned, passwords, virus protection, firewall, vpn setup, etc. While implementing these safeguards will not guarantee that you won’t have security issues, these suggestions will go a long way to protection both your home and business environments. Many of these recommendations are relatively inexpensive or free to implement. In the end, most infections occur from opening email. Mike Broski President – Entre' Computer Solutions Board Member - The Parks Chamber of Commerce 815.378.1045
By Tonya Lamia March 20, 2020
Friends of The Parks Chamber, We understand this is an extraordinarily difficult time, and I'm grateful for the leadership by our Board of Directors as we remain dedicated to “helping businesses succeed with the right tools, connections, and resources.” The COVID-19 threat is real and is rapidly getting worse; therefore, federal, state, and local leaders are implementing thoughtfully considered plans that may have direct impact on many of our local businesses. Most urgently, we ask that you help promote the need for Social Distancing by everyone - and the need for Social Isolation for anyone showing signs of illness - to help fight the exponential spread of the virus. All employers should be prepared to address the impacts of the Coronavirus, including planning for unexpected closures and exploring telework options. In addition, we encourage you to shop local, making online purchases whenever possible from local retailers. With the Governor's recent order for statewide restaurants and bars to ban dine-in customers through March 30, please also help support our local restaurants that provide drive-thru, pickup, and food delivery options. You can search by business category in The Parks Chamber Directory HERE . The Parks Chamber will continue to track the COVID-19 crisis closely, and we now provide updates and resources from trusted third parties on our website in support of you and all of our members. If we work together to slow the spread, we will get through this. Knowledge is power, and our strength will grow through Community. Sincerely, Tonya Lamia Executive Director
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